The Most Caring and Dedicated Nannies
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To our clients and candidates in the Los Angeles area: please know that your safety & wellbeing are at the forefront of our minds as the recent wildfires continue to affect life in the region. We are thinking of you, and offer our deepest condolences for those who may be experiencing hardship. Please be well and stay safe. We are here to offer any assistance we can, during these trying times.


Category: Family Matters

Traveling with Your Nanny

Traveling with little ones is no easy task, so it’s common for many families to need a nanny’s assistance! In fact, according to the International Nanny Association, nearly 40% of nannies travel with their families. Bringing your nanny, or evenContinue Reading…

Make a Family Summer Bucket List

From ice cream and pool days to bike rides and lemonade; summertime is perfect to build lifelong, lasting childhood memories. One of the best ways to make the most of the break from school is to create a family summerContinue Reading…

3 Kid-Friendly Recipes

One of the most essential skills to learn in life is how to cook. From developing a greater understanding of nutrition and its importance to exploring a new hobby, knowing even just a few kid-friendly recipes can help foster aContinue Reading…

Wind Activities for Children

Now that spring has arrived, it’s the perfect time for us to get outside and start enjoying the warm weather! What better way is there to help your children enjoy and learn more about the outdoors than engaging them inContinue Reading…

Fun (and safe!) in the Sun!

April showers have come and gone, May flowers have started to bloom, and Mr. Sun is suddenly out and about, shining down on us. As the school year begins to wind down and we look forward to summer months andContinue Reading…

Chores for Kids

How can my children contribute at all ages and stages? Involving children in the day-to-day running of our homes is a great way to provide them with autonomy, foster opportunities for independence, and practice life skills! Some parents may worryContinue Reading…

Spring Family Desinations

Spring has sprung and all of our dreams of travel can finally be realized! We are in the midst of a travel comeback and whether by plane, train, or car there’s a destination awaiting you and your family!   TravelingContinue Reading…

What Age to Potty-Train Children

As many parents know, children can reach developmental milestones and stages at different times. No two children are alike, even when there are older siblings in the home to mimic. Many children indicate their readiness for potty-training between 18 andContinue Reading…

Preparing For When Your Beloved Nanny Quits

We all recognize and understand that life can be chock-full of unexpected occurrences and unusual circumstances. Sometimes, we have to be prepared for the worst. Nannies, especially the ones who work for us full-time, often become staples in our livesContinue Reading…

Dance Together, Stay Together

Dance Together, Stay Together By Tara Zoumer (A Nanny Placed by The Nanny Authority) With unbridled energy, Jenny bursts into the room, does three twirls, pops a hair flip, and finishes with big jazz hands and full-toothed smile. This 30-secondContinue Reading…

Family Tips for Keeping Warm in Cold Weather

Cold weather can often prevent children from leaving the warm comforts of their home and engaging in outdoor-related activities and pursuits. Due to the frosty temperatures, parents begin to worry about their child playing outside and possibly getting sick. However,Continue Reading…

How to Talk to Your Children about the News

In today’s digital world, it is becoming increasingly harder to minimize the stream of information to children. There’s no shortage of ways for them to hear about current events, often leading to misinformation, confusion, and details that might not beContinue Reading…

How to Choose the Right Nanny

Choosing the right nanny is never easy and the process can be challenging, even for the most organized of families. Each family has a different set of expectations that need to be met based on their situation and budget. BelowContinue Reading…

This Weekend’s Activities in the NYC Area!

Whatever your child’s age is, we’ve got you covered with our family-friendly activities for the upcoming weekend: The New Jersey Wild Outdoor Expo celebrates the outdoors by providing education, information and hands-on opportunities to learn outdoor skills and activities. PleaseContinue Reading…

Family-Orientated Labor Day Activities for 2016

Looking forward to the three-day weekend? We have plenty of family-orientated activities to keep you occupied! Located in Leonia, New Jersey, Field Station Dinosaurs is the perfect combination of family-friendly fun and education. Recently re-opened, the park offers over thirtyContinue Reading…

The Importance of Family Dinners for Kids

We can all agree that a lot of undue pressure is put upon working parents. However, there is one commonly cited parenting pressure that science backs up: the importance of family dinners. Sitting down and eating together as a familyContinue Reading…

The Impact of Touchscreen Tech on Kids

It seems like every week new scientific research is released about screen time, kids, and the benefits and detriments of touchscreen technology on developing brains. What’s a parent or nanny to do? In the face of so much conflicting research,Continue Reading…

Steps to Establishing Strong Nanny-Family Communication

Establishing strong communication protocols with your nanny is the first step to a positive and long-lasting nanny-family relationship. Because nannies care for a family’s greatest treasures—the children—and work in the home, some parents do not feel as comfortable communicating directlyContinue Reading…

Sun Safety Tips for Babies and Toddlers

Now that summer is just around the corner, it’s time for parents and nannies to start thinking more actively about sun safety for the little ones! It’s hard to resist going outside when the weather is this nice, but withContinue Reading…

How Babies and Toddlers Learn

Getting to re-experience the world through the perspective of a baby or a toddler is commonly cited by new parents as one of the biggest unexpected perks of parenthood. What comes along with this, though, are the stressful questions thatContinue Reading…

The Role of a Travel Nanny

The summer holidays are approaching fast, which likely means you’re busy planning family vacations! You’ve probably been hearing buzz in your parenting circle about travel nannies; around this time of year, we start to receive calls from clients requesting short-termContinue Reading…

Nanny Vs. Daycare: Pros and Cons

“What will I do about childcare?” Every new mom who has considered returning to work has asked herself this question and weighed the options. Each family has different needs when it comes to childcare—what’s right for your neighbor or yourContinue Reading…

Screen Time: the Scourge of Modern Society?

Screen time is a minefield for modern parents. Smartphones, laptops, and tablets haven’t been around long enough for any long-term studies to be conducted on individuals who have grown up with them, so we still don’t know the full impactContinue Reading…

Raising Grounded Children

Raising grounded children can seem like a daunting task for busy parents. Somehow, we’ve made it to the end of the year, when every parent looks back on the last twelve months and asks him or herself: How did IContinue Reading…

Finding a Nanny after Maternity Leave

With U.S. parental leave in the state it is, the question of what to do about childcare when maternity leave ends is one that many new moms face, oftentimes sooner than they’d like. Because finding appropriate childcare is a processContinue Reading…

Thanksgiving DIY: Kid-Friendly Dessert

At its core, Thanksgiving is a holiday about bounty—bountiful gratitude, bountiful family, and bountiful food. However, it can also be a stressful time, especially for parents who are hosting extended family. Parental stress often affects kids, and some may actContinue Reading…

When to Hire a Babynurse over a Nanny

When families come to us looking for infant caregivers, they often ask us to explain the difference between a nanny and a babynurse (also known as a newborn care specialist). In short, a babynurse is a very specialized type ofContinue Reading…

Holiday Travel Made Easier

During the holiday season, many families choose to visit faraway relatives or take extended vacations at ski resorts or in warmer climates. However, when you have young children, planning and embarking upon these trips can cause a great deal ofContinue Reading…

No More Picky Eaters?

In the past few years in the United States, our eating habits have taken center stage. Michelle Obama has made ending childhood obesity her mission as First Lady; millennials have long been known as “the foodie generation.” We see trendContinue Reading…

What is a Governess?

Though a “governess” may sound like someone you’d only find in a nineteenth-century British novel, they do still exist. Governesses are a specialized subset of nannies, whose position focuses primarily on a child’s educational development. Historically, a governess was aContinue Reading…

How to Attract the Perfect Nanny

The perfect nanny can sometimes feel like a mythical creature, especially when you’re just beginning your nanny search. However, we can assure you—that nanny does exist! Nanny agencies such as the Nanny Authority work with a variety of candidates inContinue Reading…

Water Fun Safety Tips for Kids

It’s easy to forget that the parts of summer many of us love most—the long days spent relaxing in and around pools, oceans, and lakes—can also be the most dangerous for our children. When you can’t be there to superviseContinue Reading…

What to Consider When Looking for a Nanny?

Looking for a nanny can be a long and arduous process, especially when considering the important role a nanny will play in your family’s life. We teach our children about the potential dangers presented by strangers as part of growingContinue Reading…

Finding a Good Nanny: 10 Things to Consider

Finding a good nanny can seem intimidating to those inexperienced with the process. A nanny works closely with the family to help raise and nurture children, and the best nannies arguably become part of the family themselves. This puts aContinue Reading…

Nanny Authority: A National Nanny Agency

Proficiency knows no geographical boundaries. Major companies have discovered the advantages of recruiting talent from across the country in order to bring in the most skilled individuals for the position available. You should expect the same from your nanny agency.Continue Reading…

Providing Health Insurance for Nannies

Health insurance plays a vital role in our society – protecting us against injuries that we haven’t sustained yet, and hopefully never will. Health insurance for nannies serves this same essential function, yet it is a subject that our clientsContinue Reading…

Hiring a Weekend Nanny

Many full time nannies are on a Monday to Friday schedule.  What happens on the weekends? Especially in larger families where children are going in every direction, life can become chaotic! Here enters the “weekend nanny”!  Our weekend nannies canContinue Reading…

The Benefits of Hiring an After School Nanny

Why might an after school nanny be the best way to provide afternoon coverage for your children? Because unfortunately, your career probably doesn’t pause when the school bell rings. Hiring an after school nanny can be the perfect solution forContinue Reading…

Creating a Nanny Daily Log

As I’m sure all you nannies and parents out there are already well aware, taking care of children is rewarding but challenging work. The range of responsibilities that are faced on a daily basis are all the more demanding ofContinue Reading…