Self-Care for The Working Parent

October 4th, 2016 by

Working Mother and Her Child

Between taking care of the family and navigating the stresses of a career, it can be difficult for working parents to find time for themselves. However, in order for parents to provide effective care and support to their family, they need to ensure that they address their own needs first. Below are some ways to re-energize your health and spirit:

  • Say yes to outside help: If a family member or friend has offered their assistance, accept it. Let them take the reins while you unwind. Families can also consider hiring a nanny. Nannies can provide an extra pair of hands or give you time to pursue your interests or hobbies.
  • Mindfulness: Meditation is a great way to take a breather during your busy schedule. It might seem small but meditating for 20 minutes a day has shown to decrease stress and anxiety, help with insomnia, and improve mental clarity. Practicing mindfulness will also deepen your connection with your child because you are more present during your interactions.
  • Exercise: After having a baby, it can be difficult to find time to exercise. However, it should be worked into your daily, if not weekly schedule as it can help alleviate post-partum depression, and improve your mental health and mood. Exercise strengthens your muscles and immune system as well as keeps your bones strong and improves your skin. Even if you don’t make it to the gym, taking a brisk walk during your lunch hour is an effective way of maintaining a healthy mind and body.
  • Alone Time: Spend time by yourself, even if it’s for a few minutes in your bedroom with the door closed.
  • Connect with the outside world: It can be easy to lose touch with friends during the busy times in your life but something as simple as grabbing a cup of coffee or stopping by for a drink at happy hour can rejuvenate your friendships.
  • Do something creative: Have you always wanted to take a writing or art class? You should, even if you never share your work with anyone else. Being creative improves well-being, confidence, and self-esteem as well as long-term memory and energy levels.
  • Nurture Your Relationship: Maintaining a marriage after having children takes energy and effort. A healthy marriage isn’t about grand gestures but rather simple things, like making a cup of coffee for your partner in the morning or thanking them (even if it’s for something small like picking up your dry cleaning).
  • Most importantly, cut yourself some slack: It’s really, really difficult being a parent. Some days, you might not have it altogether and that’s fine. Children are resilient and at the end of the day, sometimes you have to recognize that being a “good enough” parent is sufficient.

Contact Nanny Authority

Parents should never be ashamed of asking for additional help so they can take time for themselves. Here at the Nanny Authority we recognize the importance of self-care for parents; please take a moment to learn how our agency can help you find the right candidate who will give you more “me time” today!