Though there is a lingering chill in the air, it is still important to be spending time in the great outdoors! According to UC Davis, being in nature can boost brain function, such as creative and problem-solving abilities, as well as increase physical wellness. Some of the physical benefits include lowering blood pressure, reducing cortisol levels, and increasing vitamin D levels which support bone health, blood cells, and the immune system; however, did you know studies have shown spending time outside can also alter our neurochemistry and improve our overall mental health?
Fresh air, sunlight, and exposure to green spaces have all been shown to raise our serotonin levels, producing the same effects as medications such as antidepressants. Serotonin plays a crucial role in many functions of the human body, such as sleep, and influences our memory, mood, and ability to retain information or focus. Normal and increased levels of serotonin help to keep us calm and happy! Additionally, being exposed to natural light provides a nice boost to our circadian rhythm, to help us sleep better at night and function during the day, and sunlight on human skin synthesizes vitamin D, which is shown to help alleviate symptoms of depression. Healthline suggests that getting even 120 minutes of natural light per week is enough to start seeing these health benefits.
Spending time outdoors is so important for the human body, and we think Henry David Thoreau said it best when he said, “Nature is doing her best each moment to make us well—she exists for no other end. Do not resist her.”
If you are looking for fun ways to get outside with (or without) the kids, try one of the following activities below:
The Benefits of a Walk or Hike
This may be an obvious one, but let’s start this list off with a good old-fashioned walk outside. No matter where you live, from the mountains to the coast, a walk on a beautiful day never gets old! Even a simple 10-minute stroll a day can significantly improve your mood and improve heart health. A great way to make this fun for children is by introducing an engaging activity like eye spy, animal watching, or something creative like making a nature bracelet. Get a simple piece of Scotch or duct tape and wrap a piece around your child’s wrist with the sticky side pointing outwards—be sure to leave enough room so they can slide it off after your walk. As you walk, they can add flower petals, leaves, and more to it. By the end, they’ll be rocking a stylish, all-natural, look!
Sidewalk Chalk Gallery
If you have some creative kiddos, purchase washable sidewalk chalk and make your very own art gallery right outside your home! This is a great choice for some folks who may not necessarily find a walk very stimulating and still helps to get some fresh air and vitamin D and boost those serotonin levels. Some other benefits can include developing executive functioning skills, fine motor development, and even social skills! If art is not your thing, then maybe you prefer a good, old-fashioned, round of hopscotch. Check out this link to browse ideas for sidewalk chalk games
Tree Tag!
Head on down to your local park and start up a game of Tree Tag. This is like the game Tag but with a fun twist—trees are marked as “Safe Zones!” For older kids, try adding on rules to complicate the game such as only allowing them 10 seconds per tree or only allowing a handful of trees to be marked as “safe.” This activity is not only great for spending time outdoors but is a nice form of exercise and bonding.
Visit a Botanical Garden
Get some sunshine while learning about new plant species! Soak in beautiful new colors and fragrances by walking through a botanical garden. Check in with your local garden because many offer community programs from composting classes to beekeeping. This is an especially great option benefits curious children who are excited to learn more about the world around them.
Have you ever wanted to go on a treasure hunt? Try Geocaching! Starting back in the year 2000, people began hiding small containers with little gifts inside for anyone to find. When you do find one and you decide what treasure you’d like to claim, be sure to replace it with something of equal or greater value for the next person. This can be an exciting way to get the whole family outside and into adventure mode. Put on your detective hats and download the free official Geocaching app to start your search! Visit their website to learn more:
Getting plenty of outdoor time is one of the best ways to improve both your physical and mental health. By getting sunlight, fresh air, and immersing yourself in nature, the risk of mental health issues such as anxiety and depression along with physical conditions such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease decrease significantly. If you’re looking for someone to help bring the fun outdoors, contact us at today!