8 Ways to Keep Your Kids on Track at School

September 12th, 2017 by

8 Ways to Keep Your Kids on Track at School

Elementary school aged children are apt to be more successful in school when parents take an active interest in their schoolwork. Research has indicated that parental engagement can lead to higher grades and test scores, increased graduation rates, better social skills, and improved behavior. Ensuring that your kids are on the route to doing well in school is more than helping with homework. Below are eight ways to keep your kids on track with their education.

Attend Back-to-School Night and Parent-Teacher Conferences

Building toward a child’s educational success takes a village, and the first step is making sure that all involved parties, from parents to educators to nannies, are all on the same page. Guardians should attend back-to-school night as well as parent-teacher conferences to meet the teachers involved in their child’s life. Orientation is also a great way to learn more about your child’s teachers, what their homework policies are, and how parents can be more involved. The more informed parents are about homework responsibilities, the better able they’ll be to help their children meet these expectations.

Prioritize Homework

Children should view homework as an integral component to their education. Take the time to sit with your child and “teach” him or her how to complete it. First, break down hard or long-term assignments. That way your child will understand what is assigned, what is needed to do for the assignment, and when to complete the assignment by. Second, show him or her how to carefully read and understand the directions of the schoolwork. Parents should resist the temptation to provide the correct answers or complete any assignments or projects for their kids.

Making and learning from their mistakes allows children to learn better. Encourage them to excel in school by checking their finished homework, and be available for any questions or concerns that they might have. One stellar strategy that parents employ in raising a successful child is praising him or her correctly. Adults can acknowledge their child’s work and effort by hanging their tests on the refrigerator.

Teach Organizational Skills

Prior to the start of the school year, parents should purchase an assignment book and homework folder for their children to use. Incorporate a calendar or personal planner into his or her daily routine to help your child stay on top of his or her assignments. Students can also benefit from learning how to make and complete a simple to-do list. This helps them to prioritize items and feel a sense of accomplishment once it’s been crossed off. Additionally, keep school supplies such as erasers or pencils in the same place. After the assignment has been completed, children should take a few minutes to put everything back where it belongs. This includes finished assignments and worksheets, which should be returned to the proper folder.

Encourage Study Skills

This means keeping distractions to a minimum, including no TV, loud music, or phone calls, with an exception to contact classmates. An additional way to add study time into a child’s itinerary is to establish a consistent routine. Parents, or an after-school nanny, should sit down with their child and help them construct a plan to figure out what time period works best for him or her. Some children work best directly after school; others may prefer to wait until after dinner. Create a work schedule if necessary, including a break for him or her to briefly unwind.

Take Attendance Seriously

Most school-aged children need 10 to 12 hours of sleep per night. A consistent sleep schedule can help avoid late bedtimes, which can result in tired students. Sick children should stay home from school if they have a fever, are nauseous, vomiting or have diarrhea. Otherwise, children should arrive well-rested and on time.

Set a Good Example

Kids are more likely to follow their parents’ examples rather than their advice. If your child sees you engaged in activities such as reading, writing, even paying bills, they’re likelier to emulate the parent. It’s important that children see their parents follow through on their commitments.

Make Time to Talk About School

This is where calendar management comes in handy. Keep track of upcoming events like class trips, bake sales, and test, project, and assignment dates. It is also important to ask about his or her day. There is no foolproof strategy to get your children to discuss their day at school with you but these tips can help get your child to open up more. Remember, let the conversation flow naturally. If possible, volunteer at school or school events. Volunteering a few hours during the school year can make a lasting impression on your child. If you’re unable to do so, ask if your after-school nanny or a grandparent can do it.

Get Additional Support When Necessary

The early years of a child’s schooling are a significant period in his or her life. It’s up to parents to remain informed and supportive during this time. An after-school nanny is also conducive to a child’s growth process because of the assistance that he or she can provide after the day is over. For more information on how the Nanny Authority can assist parents during the school year, contact us at 973-466-2669 or via e-mail today!