Patricia HigginsDirector Emeritus
Pat resides in Northern New Jersey and is the mother of six adult children and has two grandchildren. She has seen firsthand what it takes to bring a child from infancy to adulthood. After graduating from college where she studied English and Business Communications, Pat secured a position with a major pharmaceutical firm in their personnel department. Because of her people and language skills, within a short time, Pat was the assistant to the Director of Personnel recruiting, interviewing, and hiring non-exempt employees on her own.
Entering the Field of Nanny Placement Services
By the time all of her children were in school, Pat returned to the workforce as a single parent determined to make a place for herself as a successful businesswoman. Knowing that her niche is working directly with people, Pat seized an opportunity to join a young and up-and-coming advertising firm where outside sales afforded her flexible hours that fit in with the kids’ schedules. Working her way up in the organization, she realized the great need for working mothers to obtain quality childcare.
When a job opening came to her attention at a nationwide nanny placement service, she felt she would be ideal for the position. After all, she had been in every working and non-working mothers shoes! Because of her experience in recruitment and extensive sales background, Pat, with the help of her finely-tuned people and communication abilities, became the link between families and nannies. After almost 10 years and rising to the position of Assistant Director, Pat attained limitless insight into the needs of both partners in the nanny/family relationship. With many agency and nanny conferences behind her, she has also learned the necessary skills to astutely deal with the business aspect of managing a nanny placement service.
Bringing Her Vast Nanny Service Experiences to The Nanny Authority
Recognizing her vast experience in the nanny services industry and the manner in which she naturally relates to people, Pat was recruited by Pavillion Agency in 1999, as director, to help guide, supervise, and manage the day to day operation of The Nanny Authority into the new millennium. Here she used her knowledge of individual personalities as well as the field of personal service to properly identify the right combination for each family and nanny.
After 25 years of experience in the nanny industry, Pat is enjoying semi-retirement. She still remains in close touch with the Nanny Authority team and assists in an advisory capacity.